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Feb 28 2024: Advanced Audio Video Technologies Seminar

You're invited to attend Corporate Power's Advanced Audio Video Technologies seminar at Kean University, Union NJ where presenters will share their experiences implementing innovative AV technologies.

08:30 AM: Attendee Registration, Nametags & Introductions

<======= Keynote by Muhammad Hassan, Director at Kean University =======>

Session 1: Creating Engaging Content - VoodooXR

Session 2: Getting more from your Content Management Platform - YCD Multimedia

<======= Networking Break =======>

Session 3: Improving Audio & Video Signals for Corporate Presentations - Lightware

Session 4: Taking Advantage of New Display Device Technologies - Unilumin

<======= Lunch Break =======>

Session 5: Seamless Camera Technology - Logitech

Session 6: Enhancing Audio Quality for Meetings - TBD

<======= Networking Break =======>

Session 7: Navigating Collaboration and Visual Awareness in an Interconnected World - RGB Spectrum

Session 8: Overcoming Challenges for an Outstanding AV Experience - Corporate Power

03:15 PM: Event Wrap-up and Networking


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